06 Aug 2024 13:00:27
Am hearing that the WAN BISSAKA situation has just got more complicated as he wants a big pay off and MAN UTD are exploring swap deal with DUMFRIES
Time to move on and let MAN UTD sort out their own mess without dragging us into it. If they didn't pay players such ridiculous wages some of these problems may be overcome
Why are the FA not looking into how MAN UTD can pay De Gea £375, 000 A WEEK along with numerous opthers that earn well over £200k a week and then when it comes to them being sold, nobody can afford to pay these players the massive wages UNITED pay them! Its CRAZY
Time we move on. Plenty of other Left and Right backs and CB's to target
1.) 06 Aug 2024
06 Aug 2024 15:27:38
Surely its time to move on. Why do Manc uninvited always do this?